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  • How do I subsrcibe to V&P Magazine?
    You can subcribe to the print and digital version of V and P Magazine by clicking on the SUBCRIBE button on the website.
  • I would like to become an investor with V&P Magazine. What is the procedure
    Contact V &P Magazine at info@vanpmagazine. Someone from our team will be in touch!
  • How can I advertise my business or event in V&P Magazine?
    We would love to inlcude your business or event in V &P Magazine. Click on the Advertise With Us button on the website for detailed information for advertisement.
  • I would like to be featured in V&P Magazine. What do I need to do?
    Featured articles/interviews are selected based on the theme of the magazine at the time of printing. To pitch your feature for an issue of V and P Magazine email with the subject Feature Pitch
  • How can I write for V& P Magazine?
    Founded in 2019, V&P Magazine is dedicated to "Inspring Our Community" while supporting professionald and aspiring wiriters. Writers will share their epertise, experience, challenges, successes, advice, and suggesstions. Guest writers are not compensated We are looking for clear takeaway for our readers in each of our columns. Youmay submit your article for possible selection to Submission Guidelines: Your submission should not have been previously published in any form in print or online. The piece must be oriinal and exclusive to V and P Magazine. You should include your 150-word bio and professional high-resolution photo. No other images will be accepted. Article length varies between 300-3000 words. Review specific guiidelins for the column of interest. You should submit your pitch idea six (6) months in advance.

For inquiries, please contact Vision & Purpose  Magazine and Media

Thanks for submitting!

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